
19 Jul

Sadr Re-emerges In Iraq, Bolder Than Ever

Displaced Shiites who were forced to leave predominantly Sunni neighborhoods around Baghdad and move into the Shiite district of Shuala

19 Jul

Democratic Leaders Refuse to Meet With Veterans Group

Sen. Christopher Bond, R-Mo., right, speaks to members of the group Vets for Freedom prior to the start of a

18 Jul

Sleepless in Washington

Just my own take on the events as they happened up till 03:50 WASHINGTON – Democrats steered the Senate into

18 Jul

Iraqis Being Smuggled Across the Rio Grande

FBI: Iraqis Being Smuggled Across the Rio Grande blotter The FBI is investigating an alleged human smuggling operation based in

18 Jul

Operation Ithaca’ Surprises, Pummels, al Qaeda Forces

Operation Ithaca’ Surprises, Pummels, al Qaeda Forces Department of Defense By Gerry J. Gilmore American Forces Press Service WASHINGTON July

17 Jul

Harry Pouter and the Never Ending Night of Doom

Reid Threatens to Keep Senate Up All Night, Republicans Yawn WASHINGTON Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has threatened to keep

17 Jul

Illegals and FedX Comparison ~ LOL

FedEx vs. Government Bureaucracy — Newt Gingrich ……. Thank you Cpl. James for sending this to me.

17 Jul

King Kong Mosque Should Be Stopped Dead In Its Tracks

FEARS GROW OVER ‘MEGA MOSQUE’ Daily Express Gordon Brown is under pressure to block a £75million “mega mosque”, amid claims

17 Jul

How Christians Are Treated In Muslim Lands

Cops beating Copts. Muslim police teach an Egyptian Christian his place in Islamic society. How Christians Are Treated In Muslim

16 Jul

Edwards Wants Help From Iran and Syria For Iraq

Please note the finger on the gun. John Edwards seeks help from Iran, Syria in stabilizing Iraq International Herald Tribune