
21 Jul

Democrats Wanting To Protect Terrorists Vote Against John Doe Bill

In response to the case of the “Flying Imams,” a movement began to develop known as the John Doe movement.

21 Jul

Good Example of Democrats Taking Responsibility For Their Actions

Democrats Blame Republicans and Bush for Low Approval Capitol Hill ( Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) on Thursday blamed the Republican

21 Jul

In Country With America’s Finest

Tipsters lead to capture of south Baghdad’s most wanted terrorist, cache 2nd Brigade Combat Team 10th Mountain Division Public Affairs

20 Jul

Hey Barack Obama ~ STAY Away From The Children

Sex Ed for Kindergarteners ‘Right Thing to Do,’ Says Obama ABC News’ Teddy Davis and Lindsey Ellerson Report: Sen. Barack

20 Jul

In Country With Our Troops and Those That Visit Them

Soldiers from the 82nd Airborne Division are ready for the unexpected as they prepare to clear a house in Ar

20 Jul

Southerners are Always SO Durn Polite!

Atlanta Air Traffic Control: “Tower to Saudi Air 911 — You are cleared to land eastbound on runway 9R.” Saudi

20 Jul

Neil Boortz Refuses To Bow To The Muslim Cult

Wild Thing’s comment…….. Courage in the face of a group of people (islam) wishing to subjugate or kill Americans, is

19 Jul

Tennessee Sheriff’s Department Sued By Illegals ~ HUH???

SEND illegals HOME! Tennessee Sheriff’s Department Sued By Illegals bradley weekly …for complete article Eleven illegal aliens are suing the

19 Jul

Down Memory Lane With Our Awesome Troops – Iraq

Bombs Over Baghdad….Feel the power, I love this!! Remember this guy ~ LOL? Baghdad Bob

19 Jul

Botox Bimbo Nancy Pelosi Wants So Badly To Stop Hurting the Terrorists

Pelosi: Senate Republicans Have Once Again Thwarted the Will of the American People on Iraq from her American hating webstie