
24 Jul

1st Cav Soldiers Sing Toby Keith’s “Beer For My Horses”

1st Cav Soldiers Sing Toby Keith’s “Beer For My Horses” Wild Thing’s comment……… Love our troops! God bless them all

24 Jul

Charlie Daniels Latest His Open Letter To Harry Reid

An open letter to Harry Reid and all the rest of the short sighted, self serving, politically activated politicos who

23 Jul

Every Marine to be a Kung-Fu Fighter

Every Marine to be a Kung-Fu Fighter ARLINGTON, Va. – First the Marine Corps made Chuck Norris an honorary

23 Jul

Iraq Minister: New U.S.-Iran Talks Set

Iraq Minister: New U.S.-Iran Talks Set Baghdad (AP) A new round of U.S.-Iran talks focusing on the deteriorating security situation

23 Jul

Commie Sheehan to Lead March for Impeachment, Arlington to Capitol Hill

In Washington, D.C. on July 23, Cindy Sheehan, and others from various anti-American groups, will march from Arlington National Cemetery

23 Jul

Defense Sec. Gates Talks of Maj.Doug Zembiec at Marine Corps Dinner

MUST SEE video of Sec.Def. Gates speaking at the Marine Corps Association dinner this week .. he breaks down, very

22 Jul

Barack Hussein Obama:Stop Mentally Ill From Buying Guns

Obama: Stop mentally ill from gun buys WASHINGTON Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said that laws should be strengthened to

22 Jul

Reid: Pull Troops or We Won’t Pay Them BUT They Give Themselves a Raise

Reid: Pull Troops or We Won’t Pay Them Townhall If Majority Leader Harry Reid can’t start pulling troops out of

22 Jul

“The Involunteers” ~ by Russ Vaughn

The Involunteers One thing to me rings loud and clear Through mainstream media sources: Libs don’t understand, Volunteer, When it

22 Jul

Checking In With Our Troops

CHOPPER UPKEEP — U.S. Army Spc. Alan Palancle (left) and Pfc. Matthew Kearl make repairs to the infrared sensor of