
26 Jul

Attempted Murder Of This Attorney Saved Bill Clinton’s 1992 Campaign

Bill and Hillary Clinton and the Mena Arkansas cocaine smuggling operation they ran while Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas.

26 Jul

Marine Strong ~ This Would Make A Great Ad For The Marines

This would make an awesome commercials for the Marines. Just a thought, heh heh

25 Jul

News About John Doe Protection Amendment

Congressman Peter King. The whistleblower protection remains in the Homeland Security bill. This is the amendment that protects citizens from

25 Jul

I Love Happy Endings ~ Former Guantanamo Detainee Blows Himself Up

. Abdullah Mehsud photographed in 2004 Former Guantanamo detainee blows himself up Telegraph A former Guantanamo Bay prisoner who

25 Jul

Kerry accuses Bush Of Trying To Scare Americans About al-Qaida

Kerry and other hippie Senators Kerry accuses Bush of trying to scare Americans about al-Qaida CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) Senator John

25 Jul

In Country With Our Troops ~ Iraq

US soldier is seen during a patrol in Baghdad. The US military has said its troops have found Chinese-made missiles

25 Jul

A Soldiers Life

The Reasons They’re All Fighting For Our liberties and freedoms are a rich, daily blessing And our hearts should be

24 Jul

Dems and CNN Think This Is How We Elect A President!

Just a few moments from a total joke, shame of a debate. As you all know the idiotic debate was