
31 Jul

Hates The Military So 42 Tires Slashed At Army Recruiting Office

42 tires slashed at Army recruiting office in Silverdale; student arrested Seattle Times SILVERDALE A college student was arrested Sunday

31 Jul

Our Prayers For Justice Roberts

WASHINGTON (AP) Chief Justice John Roberts suffered a seizure at his summer home in Maine on Monday, causing a fall

30 Jul

Iran To Buy Jets From Russia

Reports: Iran to buy jets from Russia Jerusalem Post Israel is looking into reports that Russia plans to sell 250

30 Jul

Condi Rice Should End Her Occupation As Sec.of State

Secy. Rice: Israel Must End Occupation of ‘West Bank’ ( Speaking with Arabic-language Radio Sawa, based in Washington and Dubai,

29 Jul

Arab Princesses Kicked Off British Airways To Jeers and Whistles

. Arab princesses kicked off British Airways plane to jeers and whistles after refusing to sit next to male strangers

29 Jul

Nam Vet Russ Vaughn On Liberals And The War

Thank you Russ! Not Even a Contest I’m a soldier; haven’t been in uniform in forty years but the six

29 Jul

Checking In With Our Troops ~ Thank you All

Soldiers of Company D, 4th Battalion, 31st Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry) out of

29 Jul

For Some Fun With The Communist Witch Hillary

Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., speaks during a forum on energy and the environment in Portsmouth, N.H.

28 Jul

U.S. Set to Offer Huge Arms Deal to Saudi Arabia

LCS Platform Cutaway U.S. Set to Offer Huge Arms Deal to Saudi Arabia WASHINGTON, July 27 The Bush administration is