04 Dec

Charlie Rangel: ” I don’t deal in average American Citizens”

Charlie Rangel at a Press Conference following the censure where he was asked what his response was to the criticism that an “average American citizen” would face much harsher penalties if guilty of the things Rangel was censured for.
His response:
Rangel lashed out at the reporter: “Please, I’m not a psychiatrist. I don’t deal in average American citizens.”
“I’ll come back to you when you have a good question,” he added.
The House overwhelmingly voted to censure Rep. Rangel.


Wild Thing’s comment……..
I watched his comments on the floor. Pathetic, he didn’t admit to doing anything wrong and sounded like he was blaming someone else. I thought Pelosi was reading a eulogy, what a long face she had. Pelosi read it in almost a whisper. If it had been a GOP censure she would have been screaming, and prancing around with that stupid big gavel.

BobF says:

He got his hand slapped by congress and now he’s back to being an arrogant SOB.

Jack says:

“Please, I’m not a psychiatrist. I don’t deal in average American citizens.”
Besides himself, just who does that rat bastard represent then?

gator says:

Basically we can no longer afford any immigration. It should be if you have a needed skill
and can support yourself and family for at least a year. You will need to go through an
extensive background check before entry. That is pretty much the way New Zealand does
It.. Mess up and it’s deportation on the spot…On a related Item I saw on Market watch it
Was reported that the US will bail out the European Union through the International
Monetary Fund.. Excuse Me….The money will come from who and where…

Mark says:

I’ve been in enough thearapy, So I can play the part but I’d want more that a censure, for his ass.

Wild Thing says:

Great input thank you so much.