House GOP Leader John Boehner ripped House Democrats for moving ahead with a vote Thursday just on extending tax cuts for those making $250,000 or less, calling the move “chicken crap.”
Boehner argued that Democrats were ignoring the message from voters last month who shifted control of the House of Representatives to Republicans.
Boehner: “I’m trying to catch my breath so I don’t refer to this maneuver going on today as chicken crap, alright?” But this is nonsense. Alright? The election was one month ago.
We’re 23 months from the next election and the political games have already started, trying to set up the next election. We had an honest conversation at the White House about the challenges that we face to get out of here and to take care of what the American people expect of us. And they roll this vote out today, it really is just what you think I was going to say anyway.”
House, Senate Democrats: no tax cut extension over $250,000
Congressional Democrats rammed a bill through the House of Representatives Thursday permanently extending the Bush-era tax cuts only for families making $250,000 a year or less.
It would maintain the current Alternative Minimum Tax limit for two years.
The measure, which passed on a sharply polarized 234-188 vote, would allow the Bush tax cuts to expire after December 31 for the wealthiest Americans. Most Democrats backed the bill, while most Republicans opposed it.
GOP leaders are insisting on an extension of the tax cuts for all Americans. All 42 Senate Republicans publicly vowed Monday to prevent a final vote on any other legislative business in the lame duck session until Congress has “prevented the tax increase that is currently awaiting all American taxpayers.”
Barack Obama and top congressional Democrats insist the roughly $700 billion price tag attached to an extension of the tax cuts would be fiscally irresponsible. Republicans contend that a failure to extend all of the cuts would hamper an already sluggish economy.
Pence, DeMint Discuss Taxes
Wild Thing’s comment……..
It’s pretty refreshing to think that someone in a position of authority in Congress like Boehner has done.
The democrats don’t give a damn what the American people voted for in this last election, and they know we the people spoke out loud and clear.
Class warfare continues.
And the Dems can shove the death tax(estate tax) up their asses sideways.
Pete. it sure does.
Tom, ditto that.