The Hill
The second-ranking House Democrat said Monday that President Obama’s move to freeze the pay of civilian federal employees should also be extended to military personnel.
Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said including the military would have increased savings and add “an element of fairness.” He made the comments in a statement about he president’s announcement of a two-year pay freeze.
“While I appreciate that the president reduced the length of his proposed pay freeze from three to two years,” Hoyer said in a statement, “it would have produced significantly more savings had that sacrifice been shared between federal civilian and military personnel — with a strong exception for the members of our military and civilian employees risking their lives on our behalf in Afghanistan, Iraq, and anywhere else they are serving in harm’s way.”
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Give me a freaking break! how dare he even compare the military with federal workers. They deserve all they are getting and more. The men and women in uniform (both past and present) need a pay raise.
How about the Congress stops putting earmarks in the Defense Department budget – earmartks for non-defense items.
Let’s freeze that bastards compensation, better yet set all of congress at the base median enlisted rate without any other perks.
Jack, I was thinking the very same thing. That would separate the patriots from the crooks. No doubt, Steny would go back to ambulance chasing.
My first thought also Jack. Maybe congressmen should receive the median salary of American workers and no expense accounts or perks.
Yes Chrissie. It always ticks me off when congresscritters throw earmarks into the defense budget. That is money that could be used for equipment for our troops. And Congress wonders why they are held in such low esteem.
Jack, that would be great.
Jim, your right, it would speak volumes about those not wanting it.
Tom, well said, thank you. I agree it sure would make a difference.
Like the FREEZE at Valley Forge in 1776, eh?