23 Oct

Typical Democrats and Their Hate Mongering

The Democrats are in total panic in Wisconsin. Here is a new web ad they have put out, that is entirely fear-mongering and name-calling against Republicans. They know they cannot run on their record. So, they resort to this. Expect to see more of this, all across the country, in the last 10 days before the election.


Radical Keith Ellison Supporter Leaves Disgusting Message for Republican Joel Demos (Audio)
Republican Joel Demos, candidate for Minnesota’s congressional District 05, is running against far-left Democrat Keith Ellison. Ellison is the first Muslim elected to Congress and has been in office since 2007.
Joel, a Pentecostal Minister, received this ugly and disgusting telephone call.
Joel has spent his entire career in the financial sector – real estate, banking, and lending. Currently Joel is employed by TCF bank. He has seen first-hand the damage that well-intentioned, yet poorly planned government interventions can do to the market and he believes that a free and ethical marketplace is the only way to grow economic opportunity for the people.


Wild Thing’s comment………
I have said it before and I will again the Left hates America. They hate people that appreciate and respect our Constitution, our Flag and what America has been thanks to our Founding Fathers and our troops from the very beginning.

Anonymous says:

Attention left/liberals: Having a different opinion from you and voting isn’t “extremist,” it’s called America– what you guys would want was called “East Germany.”