Wild Thing’s comment……..
And, he fails to recognize the corruption that purchased the votes that allowed the albatross ( obamacare) to be passed.
I sure hope we have big wins in November. America cannot keep taking this destruction.
LOL they cut him off as soon as he said he “was wrong about that”.
I wish the Democrat presidents followed the noble example of the Republican ones and leave the stage. We have had to suffer from Carter and Clinton for too long. How can we ever miss you if you never go away? Not that we would miss them if we ever could get them off the air.
I wish they would have continued after the “but” so we could have heard the rest of it and gotten the context of his answer.
Lets hope that enough Conservatives get elected to make a difference. These progressive repubs are not going to do a thing.
Bob, me too and I tried to find another video that had the rest in it.
Mark, your right, that is the only way we can save our country, only conservatives and no more progressive republicans.