22 Aug

The Left Says Your Views are Too Extreme

The pundits from the left claim that conservative candidates are too “extreme.” Polls reflect who the true extremists are. Hopefully, there will be many more ads like this in the near future as we approach the November elections. Keep the faith, “change” is in the air.
A great ad with truth to it. of course the left wing will deny the facts in this video.

Wild Thing’s comment…..
The left is so full of it. Their hate for everything our country has stood for and their agenda, the progressives bent on destroying our beloved country…..and they say WE are topo extreme. LOCK and LOAD is my answer!!!

….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67

Mark says:

Chrissie, you said ‘Lock and load’. All ready on the right , all ready on the left, shooters watch your targets…

Wild Thing says:

Mark, heh heh huge thank you!!!