23 Jul

MOST Corrupt Congress The Pelosi-Reid Congress Hits New Record Low – 11% Approval

Not feeling particularly high on Congress? Join the crowd. A Gallup poll conducted July 8-11 has public confidence in Congress down to 11 percent, the lowest score in its “Confidence in Institutions” survey since 1973.

Gallup’s 2010 Confidence in Institutions poll finds Congress ranking dead last out of the 16 institutions rated this year. Eleven percent of Americans say they have a great deal or quite a lot of confidence in Congress, down from 17% in 2009 and a percentage point lower than the previous low for Congress, recorded in 2008…
Underscoring Congress’ image problem, half of Americans now say they have “very little” or no confidence in Congress, up from 38% in 2009 — and the highest for any institution since Gallup first asked this question in 1973. Previous near-50% readings include 48% found for the presidency in 2008, and 49% for the criminal justice system in 1994.
This year’s poll also finds a 15-point drop in high confidence in the presidency, to 36% from 51% in June 2009. Over the same period, President Barack Obama’s approval rating fell by 11 points, from 58% to 47%.

Wild Thing’s comment……
Does this mean we can storm the place with pitchforks and torches and do what should have been done 40 years ago? heh heh just saying.
And I heard on FOX News that people trust the media even less than Congress.
I respect the mafia more than the clan O’Clowns that we have in congress.

TomR,armed in Texas says:

I would sure like to see the demographics of that 11%.