The White House memo signed by the husband of Mao fan Anita Dunn – Robert Bauer – identified Bill Clinton as the person who approached Joe Sestak. Inconsistent with Sestak’s repeated claims that he was offered a high ranking job in the Obama administration to drop out of the primary race, the memo claims he was offered a non-paying Board position he could serve on while remaining a congressman.
As was the case in Watergate, the cover-up was much worse than the act itself. Enter Bill Clinton. If there is nothing to this and no illegal activity took place, why dodge questions? Here, Clinton not only dodges them but he completely ignores them.
Wild Thing’s comment…….
To lie or not to lie….that is the question. Would he stoop to lying? Ask Monica!! Oh and remember…..Clinton: “It depends on what the meaning of meaning is.”
LOL I guess Clinton hasn’t had time to memorize the script.
Tweedledum and Tweedledee
If Clinton is anywhere near this it’s dirty. The man can’t be trusted and neither can obama. They are both dirty, low down, scumbag politicians and anything goes and the ends justify the means.
BobF. hahaa good one.
Mark, I agree, just seeing his name connected to this in anyway is very telling.