Completely delusional Tavis Smiley claiming that Christians are blowing people up everyday in this country. Smiley said that there are “so many more examples” of Christians blowing people up than there are of Muslims.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Good grief, he is nuts!!!!
Smiley misses the whole point. People who claim they are Christians do commit murders and mass killings but they’re not doing it in the name of their religion. They’re not doing it as a ticket to heaven to live with 72 virgins. Their religious leaders don’t preach killing innocent people to please God.
Damn, is he high? (He just turns everything upside down so he can be right– demonstrating he’s full of crap and ignorant… “calling a tail a leg don’t make it so,” said Lincoln.)
BobF., he sure does miss rhe point I agree.
Annonymous, LOL he sounds like it. And he gets away with this BS. sheesh