20 Feb

Obama: ‘Live Within Our Means Again’

Obama signs executive order creating deficit commission

GOP leaders agree to panel on federal deficit
Washington Post
Republican leaders reluctantly consented Thursday to join Democrats on a bipartisan commission to address the government’s budget problems. But they continued to reject any solution that involves higher taxes, and analysts in both parties said the effort faces a dauntingly poisoned political atmosphere.
Even as he unveiled an executive order creating the panel, Obama acknowledged that he is asking its members to attempt “the impossible.” For decades, budget projections have shown that rising health-care costs and an aging population would drive the nation deeply into debt. Government spending to ease the recent recession has accelerated that process.

“The trajectory is clear, and it is disturbing,” Obama said. “But the politics of dealing with chronic deficits is fraught with hard choices, and, therefore, it’s treacherous to officeholders here in Washington. As a consequence, nobody has been too eager to deal with it.”

Obama punted the problem to the bipartisan panel, formally known as the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, and ordered it to deliver a solution by Dec. 1, well after the fall elections.

Obama said “everything is on the table” in the quest to balance spending and tax collections by 2015, an assertion that suggests he is willing to abandon his campaign pledge not to raise taxes on the middle class.

But congressional Republicans ruked out that option even before the effort gets underway. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) and House Minority Leader John A. Boehner (Ohio) issued statements urging the panel to focus on cutting spending, not raising taxes.

“The American people are deeply concerned by the amount of money politicians in Washington have been spending and they want us to get a handle on spending without raising taxes,” McConnell (R-Ky.) said. “After trillions in new and proposed spending, Americans know our problem is not that we tax too little, but that Washington spends too much — that should be the focus of this commission.”


Wild Thing’s comment…….
The only way to fix this mess is to return to the foundational principles of freedom, self reliance, and personal responsibility; and, regain the Constitution.
It’s time to take back the country.

Jack says:

GOP leaders agree to panel on federal deficit, we’ve been sold out again. Bi-Partisan is 6 Dhimmis, 6 Rino’s and 6 hand picked Communists, 18 commies to force us into slavery.

TomR says:

Oh Boy! Another commission. This one tasked to make imposible plans that balance the budget even while obama is handing out more taxpayer cash to get his cronies elected. obama throws money around asthough it was his.

Mark says:

Can this maggot figure anything out on his own ? So if they screw it up obama can blame the Republicans again, and some how he will give Bush some of the blame too.
What a catastrophe, the ship is sinking and onumnutz won’t release the life boats.

Wild Thing says:

Jack, ditto that.
Tom, well said and that is exactly right.
Mark, good way to put it!! That sure describes how it feels too !!!!!