13 May

Tea Party ‘extremists’ Rock and Reload July 4th

Tea party ‘extremists’ rock and reload July 4
Independence Day fireworks of protest cover all 50 states
The American Family Association is now sponsoring Independence Day tea parties in more than 640 U.S. cities in all 50 states.
The Taxed Enough Already, or TEA, parties will be held at 12 p.m. in front of city halls across the nation.
“Our goal is simply to keep the grassroots organizations mobilized,” said Michael DePrimo, special counsel to AFA President Tim Wildmon. “We don’t want people to think of it as a one-time event and then have it fall by the wayside.”
AFA is hosting a Tea Party Day website so volunteer organizers may register their protests.
The group encourages tea party attendees to bring cell phones and call the president, 202-456-1414, and Congress, 202-224-3121, while attending the rallies.


Wild Thing’s comment………
…rock and reload…
I like this turn of phrase. It is obviously just a few consonants removed from “lock and load”, which pretty much sums up the situation.
Potential Right-wing Extremist bumper sticker . heh heh

….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67

Bob A says:

I am going to send this post to the man who organized the TEA party in Kingston, NY. He told me then that they were planning something for July 4. I will also put this on my local blog, perhaps we can get something going.
Bob A.

Lynn says:

We just had our meeting about it this week. We’re going to pass out flyers at the town carnival parade in June to invite people to come and join us at the Park on the 4th. Anyone who is fed up with something about the government is welcome. We want everyone’s voice to be heard.

yankeemom says:

Our area is on it. It is so wonderful to finally be back in an area of the country that loves this country!!

TomR says:

Here’s hoping that this next bunch of TEA parties is even bigger. Maybe eventually the MSM will acknowledge these peaceful gatherings.

Wild Thing says:

Bob A., fanastic, thank you.

Wild Thing says:

Lynn, great idea to start early to get the
word out. I love it.

Wild Thing says:

Yankeemom, I know what you mean.
When we lived in Malibu, Calif.
and compared to where we live now
in this little city in Florida is
such a huge difference, for free

Wild Thing says:

Tom, I agree I sure hope so.
The worst thing that could happen
is if they had a smaller turn out.
There were something like 600,000
at the first one.