19 Apr

Flordians Protected from Libel Tourism

Representative Charles E. Van Zant (R-Keystone Heights)

~The Bill Shields Floridians from Libel Suits Filed by Terrorists, Other Foreigners~
Representative Charles E. Van Zant (R-Keystone Heights) lauded the unanimous passage of House Bill (HB) 949 by the Florida House of Representatives. The measure relates to grounds for non-recognition of foreign defamation judgments. This legislation closely resembles a similar law that was passed nearly a year ago by the New York Legislature.
HB 949, like the law passed in New York, will help in the fight against a tactic known as “Libel Tourism” which results from defamation lawsuits filed against authors critical of individuals with known ties to terrorist organizations like al Qaeda and Hamas.
The lawsuits have been finding their way into foreign courts. HB 949 will provide Florida courts with the ability not to recognize a foreign judgment, if that country’s laws protecting free speech and the free press are not at least as protective as freedoms provided in the constitutions of Florida and United States.

“This bill protects all Floridians’ fundamental right to the freedom of speech and press without fear of reprisal from foreign courts,” said Representative Van Zant, the bill’s sponsor. “Political speech is a right we as Americans and Floridians hold dear. This law will ensure that no Floridian will ever have to answer to terrorists as a result of their criticism of terrorism, or its enablers.”

House Majority Leader, Adam Hasner (R-Boca Raton) added, “This bill protects Floridians from having their right to free speech suppressed by those with radical ideologies. Foreign courts that do not place the same value on our constitutionally guaranteed freedom of speech will no longer be used to intimidate Florida citizens.”
The bill’s companion, Senate Bill 1066, will be considered in the Senate Rules Committee before heading to the Senate floor for final passage.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
This is good news, I hope other States do this as well. It would effect blogging like when I post things about the terrorirsts, and Islam.

TomR says:

I bet that bill upsets CAIR and the ACLU. They won’t be able to cite or support frivolous anti American lawsuits in Florida courts.

Mark says:

Now, all that has to happen is to pass it. Getting all the lefitst to actually vote on something that would support an American citizen’s rights to free speech. That’s the challange.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, I bet it does too. It sure made me
feel good, especially because of the blog
and when I do posts about Muslims, and

Wild Thing says:

Mark, yes that is the next step and a
big one.

Jazenbee says:

Every state in this country must do this same thing. We’re being overrun by the transnationalists – those left wobbling, ignorant, uneducated, morally and intellectually bankrupt morons. They care not about any states’ or countrys’ constitution and will use foreign law to supersede ours. What a pity they’re allowed to take even the first step. We’re sleeping too much, people!
We all need to fight them every inch of the way and this bill is an excellent part of that fight.
Now, let’s stop them somewhere else.