It’s Uncle Jay’s first-ever rerun! Here’s his educational “vacation” episode, explaining why Congress needs so many vacation days.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
They sure work hard don’t they. All that paid time off…..amazing. Then they give themselves raises all the time too.
I am glad they are not there to do more harm with that vile Pelosi at the helm. But to be paid for so many days off is stupid.
….Thank you Mark for sending this.
The French are trying to can their 35 hour work week which has been a disaster for their economy, if only they had patterned it on our Congress. Oops!!! There is still the little matter of taxpayer funding too. Speaking of the French, you can have our Zebra, just keep him while he’s there. Please!!!!
Of course we are probably better off with congress taking off so much time, maybe we could talk them into taking off permanently.
Jack, yessss keep him and don’t send him back to us.
Mark, this was so great thank you again for sending it.
Yesss they can just take off for good.