Democrats Move to Shut Down GOP Earmark Reform Site as Murtha Is Named “Porker of the Year”
John Boehner’s site
House Democrats took steps to shut down a Republican-launched earmark reform website (http://earmarkreform.house.gov) yesterday, just as Senior Democratic House Member John Murtha (D-PA) won the title of 2007’s “Porker of the Year.”
Last August, the office of the U.S. House of Representatives’ Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), Daniel Beard, approved House Republican Leader John Boehner’s (R-OH) request to create the site, and since its launch earlier this month, it has been visited by thousands of online visitors and garnered subsequent media attention. Beard’s office has now ordered the site be removed, however, prompting Leader Boehner to protest the decision in a letter sent to the CAO yesterday afternoon:
“I am writing today to register my protest over this belated change, and to request a detailed explanation of the events that led your office to make this dramatic reversal,” wrote Boehner. “Changing its address now will inevitably hamper the effectiveness of the new website, much to the convenience of the majority that runs the House.”
Coincidentally, the move comes just as Rep. Murtha, a close ally of Speaker Pelosi, won the title of 2007’s “Porker of the Year.” Murtha, a well-known champion of wasteful earmarks, won the award from the non-partisan government spending watchdog group, Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW). According to a press release from CAGW:
“Rep. Jack Murtha has long been known inside the Beltway for using threats, power plays, and backroom deals to control spending decisions. There is an area of the House floor known as ‘Murtha’s Corner,’ where the legendary appropriator dispenses earmarks. The overwhelming vote for Porker of the Year vote shows that his shameful behavior is attracting attention throughout the country. The congressman inserts pork whenever he can to serve himself and his district. In fiscal year 2008, he brought home 72 pork projects worth $149.2 million.”
And “Porker of the Year” isn’t the only “honor” that Murtha has received. Last year a CNBC report referred to him as Washington’s “most powerful porker” and just last month he was labeled by the New York Times as the “The Pork King” in an editorial that detailed Murtha’s questionable earmarking practices.
And continuing his practice of thumbing his nose at American taxpayers, next week Murtha will host an “annual payback dinner by defense contractors who benefit from earmarks,” according to columnist Robert Novak. In other words, his addiction to pork isn’t slowing down.
Leader Boehner launched http://earmarkreform.house.gov to aid the efforts by House GOP members to reform the earmark system so Rep. Murtha and others like him are held more accountable for their behavior. The website is part of a larger Republican effort that includes a proposed earmark moratorium and the appointment of a bipartisan committee to identify ways in which to end wasteful Washington spending.
Democrats have flat-out rejected calls to join the effort and even voted against a GOP proposed earmark freeze. Perhaps that’s because, according to a February 14, 2008 article in The Hill, “Democratic leaders have sent tens of millions of dollars to freshman lawmakers’ districts in hope of protecting the party’s newfound majority come November.” In other words, they have no interest in changing the way Washington spends taxpayer dollars.
Wild Thing’s comment………
Way to go John Boehner! You are scum Murtha. We need to retake the House!
Most definitely we need to retake both the house and the senate! This overspending pork has got to stop.
We can’t afford it anymore.
Some funny ass posts!
Porker,Kerry Wants Purple Heart,Kennedy tried to come in to rescue them.
And some great posts !
Take care
Thing is, Republicans had a chance to take care of this and didn’t. Republicans held the House since 1994 and when Bush became President they could have taken care of this, especially after the 2006 elections when they won the Senate. Instead they started becoming Democrats and let the earmarks flow. Now, they want to get back on their High Horses and condemn the Democrats and put an end to earmarks. In this case, I think they’re just blowing smoke up our butts.
Since the GOP and the RNC have a predeliction for RINO’s we have to work harder at getting our representatives elected, it’s a tough bloc to buck, they have the deep pockets of the corporate and PAC’s, we have the nickle and dime purse strings. I’ll put my nickles and dimes on the candidate, not to line the pockets of the machine. I have written Kieran Michael Lalor’s, Iraq Veterans For Congress, about getting a website logo and code for blog site gutters so they can get recognition nationwide. I made my own for my site.
There are two PA candidates in the list below, one, William Russell is vying for the seat of John Murtha, I can’t vote Murtha out, only the people of PA can do that. All we can do is support and promote these Veterans. It’s a small start with so little time to get them face and name recognition.
Iraq Veterans For Congress:
Michael Lalor (NY-19)
Zeldin (NY-1)
E. Harmon (IN-7)
West (FL-22)
Breazeale (NC-7)
Edenfield (GA-12)
Egland (CA-4)
D. Hunter (CA-52)
Phillips (OH-19)
Summers (ME-1)
Tom Manion (PA 8)
Russell (PA-22)
Scott Radcliffe (OH 5)
Tom Roughneen (NJ-7)
Dittos Bob and Jack. The GOP had the golden opportunity for the first time in decades. That breech of trust with Conservatives is why the Repulican Party is without grassroots support. It will take a trmendous effort now to reverse the momentum the Democrats have. Those Dems will plot, finagle and legislate to build and solidify that power we conceded.
Democrats Move to Shut Down GOP Earmark Reform Sit…
Bookmarked your post over at Blog Bookmarker.com!
I live in PA. but I can’t vote for the Colonel either I wish him all the luck, different district. He will need all the support he can muster.
Murtha is not only a pig but a crooked one to boot.
Lynn I agree, they take our money and spend spend spend. augh
Patrick, thank you.
Bob yes the Republicans messed up when they were in the majority. I think one big reason is because too many are rino’s. That has a lot to do with their being so weak and not standing up to the dems. This has got to end this rino bs and it has to end soon or we might as well not even have a Republican party anymore.
Jack that is a great idea!! I just went to your blog to see it and you did a great job with it. I hope he answers you and does a logo for it, wow that would be awesome.
Tom, yes the left is very organized plus all the things you mentioned too.
It can be done, but it would take a strong grassroots getting together to do it.
Mark that is what I have here in Florida too. The man named Allen West is not in my District.
“Look Nancy… my ears are bigger than Barack
2bornot2b, LMAO you are so funny.