Obama’s Global Tax Proposal Up for Senate Vote (Obama wants $90b a year for foreign aid)
A nice-sounding bill called the “Global Poverty Act,” sponsored by Democratic presidential candidate and Senator Barack Obama, is up for a Senate vote on Thursday and could result in the imposition of a global tax on the United States.
The bill, which has the support of many liberal religious groups, makes levels of U.S. foreign aid spending subservient to the dictates of the United Nations. Senator Joe Biden, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has not endorsed either Senator Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton in the presidential race.
But on Thursday, February 14, he is trying to rush Obama’s “Global Poverty Act” (S.2433) through his committee. The legislation would commit the U.S. to spending 0.7 percent of gross national product on foreign aid, which amounts to a phenomenal 13-year total of $845 billion over and above what the U.S. already spends.
The bill, which is item number four on the committee’s business meeting agenda, passed the House by a voice vote last year because most members didn’t realize what was in it. Congressional sponsors have been careful not to calculate the amount of foreign aid spending that it would require.
According to the website of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, no hearings have been held on the Obama bill in that body. A release from the Obama Senate office about the bill declares, “In 2000, the U.S. joined more than 180 countries at the United Nations Millennium Summit and vowed to reduce global poverty by 2015.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
If they are wanting to put us under control of the UN so bad that they refuse to put their names on the voting record, we are royally screwed.
Global welfare checks to countries that poke us in the eye with a stick. What the heck is wrong with these people?
The part that bites my butt is this “rushed through by voice vote” and the “passed by voice vote”. That took Republican cooperation! Anyone of those sorry bastards could have said they wanted a recorded vote and it would have to be done. The Democrats wouldn’t have any options once one person, Democrat or Republican asks for the recorded vote.
This isn’t a measly build a bridge to nowhere Bill. This sob puts a permanent tax on your wages, and mine for eternity. This Bill gives the politicians UN permission to try to take away our 2nd Amendment.
Excuse me, but why do I want my tax dollars going to feed people overseas? We have too many here in homeless shelters who don’t have enough to eat.
I’d rather see it stay right here in America to help our children.
I’m sorry that Africa and the Middle East have such poverty, but that is their leaders fault. We need to stress to the leaders that they need to get off the pot and do something about poverty in their own backyards and not expect America to come arunnin’ every time they whimper.
They don’t like us anyway. They aren’t going to like us any better if we send them food, medical supplies and the like.
I know this is really a dumb stupid question but I’m going to ask it anyway…………..Why isn’t this type of information being brought to the attention of the American public so they can see what Obama is trying to do to this country? Is this the type of “change” this country wants? Sheesh!!!!!!!!!!!!! Does anyone remember how Reagan brought down the Soviet Union? He broke them financially!!!!!!!!!! The difference this time….it is one of our own political idiots that is going to bankrupt the U.S.!!!! It is way past time for people to be held accountable!!!!!!
OMG!!!!!!!!!! I just went to the link to read the whole story and read where Senator Richard Lugar (R-Indiana) supports this whole thing and is a “mentor” to Barack Obama!!!!! I’m so ashamed that he represents us here in Indiana!!! Maybe it’s time to move out of Indiana!!!!!!! It used to be a very conservative state but the liberals and turncoat RINO’s have sold us out!!!!!!!! Lugar has been in office way too long and it is time he gets replaced!!!!!!
Get ready Folks. By this time next year the Liberal/Socialist/Globalist Special will be pulling out of the station and will quickly be up to high speed. The tracks have been laid the last 20 years by previous administrations. When the “All Aboard” is shouted and the throttle opened, we will see that the RINO Disease is more of an epidemic than we ever envisioned, especially in the Senate.
Hide your money, or spend it all now. The “Government of Change” is going to tax us to the enth degree and blow those $$ on every deadbeat in the world and every corrupt deadbeat entity that can get a lobbiest in the door.
Also, buy guns and ammo now while you can. If possible, get them at gunshows from private individuals so there is no record of the transaction.
I can’t even get a interest deferred Statford Loan for my son and this A-Hole wants to give away 90 billion dollars.
This all sounds really compassionate, and caring to eliminate World Poverty. I ‘gotta’ ask, how is America responsible for World Poverty ? We already send Billions in foreign aid to third world jerk-water countries, their leaders take the money and spend it on themselves, or the UN gets its mitts on it and again the people who actually need it don’t get, but the corrupted officials in those countries or the UN officials get the money instead.
When it is found out …What is done about it.
Not one damn thing. And the cycle continues, more money is demanded from America. So where is all the change that obama wants to initiate. He is perpetuating on a much grander scale the existing fraud and what makes matters worse he wants to take part in it. All this at the expense of the American people. I don’t care if the whole damn world hates us, that lasts long enough until the next disaster hits their country then we the United States is the next best thing since sliced bread.
Again WHY are we responsible for world poverty. Why are we responsible for Illegal Mexicans, Why are we responsible for a corrupt UN. But most important of all Why do we keep electing leaders that are liars, cheats and thieves.
I know what you mean, Bob. I have a daughter who wants to be a drama teacher and I can’t afford to send her to college at all. I’m still paying on my student loans! And where did it get me? Not far.
She’s just going to have to work her way through.
And I hate that feeling.
Lynn I agree so much. There is a lot that needs to be done here in our own country and why or why do these politicians and presidents keep handing out money so much to countries that in the end hate us most of the time or just keep asking for more and more.
John I would like to know too. I looked through our newspaper all week and saw nothing about this at all. Even online it is hard to find.
More and more our government is working in the shadows and in secret. Very scary indeed.
John yes Lugar, I just don;’t get how these people live with themselves when they do these things and in so much behind our backs as well.
Tom that is the most perfect way to describe this.
“By this time next year the Liberal/Socialist/Globalist Special will be pulling out of the station and will quickly be up to high speed. The tracks have been laid the last 20 years by previous administrations. When the “All Aboard” is shouted and the throttle opened, we will see that the RINO Disease is more of an epidemic than we ever envisioned, especially in the Senate.”
It gives me chills and there is nothing I can do to stop it. Your right too about it being over the last 20 years. It goes faster and faster when the dems are in the majority in power too. And too many rino’s to fight it off.
Bob, it is horrible. And Bank of Ameiica giving loans to illegals. At lest I think I read that someplace awhile back. It is shocking.
Mark it is totally insane. Here we are borrowing money from communist China and then we turn around and get taxed to the max but that isn’t enough for these people they apparently want us all broke and dependent on big government.
If I had run my little gift shop I had like this I would have been out of business within a month.
It feels like they only think of us not as citizens or we the people are all, they only think of us as workers in a huge complex run by government.
Lynn you have done everything right. They are showing us all how they care more about illegals and other countries then we the citizens.