16 Dec

“They like this war” Says Pelosi

Pelosi hits bottom
Washington Times
Just when you think the dominant left wing of the Democratic Party has hit rock-bottom, one of their partisans reaches new depths in slandering people who have an honest difference with them on policy.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi hit the gutter on Thursday, when she tried to explain why Democrats are losing the budget war to President Bush. Mrs. Pelosi (who says she hopes to be able to practice a more civil approach next year) said she had misjudged Republican resolve — particularly on the war against jihadists in Iraq.

“They like this war,” Mrs. Pelosi said. “They want this war to continue. That was a revelation to me. I had thought they would listen to their constituents and change their position.”

She later tried to clarify things by saying she had meant to say that Republicans like Mr. Bush’s strategy — not that they “like” the war. But the damage was done and the slur was uttered.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
You can’t cure stupid!!!!
Damn these communists to hell for all eternity for their petty, partisan, blindered, self-adoring refusal to fund support for our fine military. We don’t want the war to continue…we want to win it!
Their hatred is so embedded that it appears that they have lost all common sense.
Continuously trying to cut off funds to the troops is insane. Military personnel are Americans… One simply doesn’t abandon them financially in a foreign country which, in my opinion, is exactly what Reid and Pelosi are trying to do.
Can anyone honestly say that the dems hate terrorists as much as they hate Bush, the Republicans and yes our troops? If only America would wake up to their treason.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

“… I love the smell of smoked camels in the morning…It smells like VICTORY… and a little like smoked turkey too!”

Rhod says:

This harpy is an infantile, moral degenerate. Howard Dean in a girdle and Harry Reid in spike heels.
The left’s constipated pacifist morality isn’t about a love of “peace”. It’s about their discomfort with the distractions and realities of life.
Anything that intrudes upon their own ends and need to manipulate people is a bore, and anyone responsible for it is a monster.
We experienced more maturity from our three boys when they were in high chairs.

I totally agree Chrissie!
and I can’t stand her!
They defy logic, they care more about slandering Bush then wining the GWOT. Power hungry socialists!

Jack says:

Madam Pelosi, from her office of ill repute neglects to inform her constituents that it was Iran that declared war against the US in 1979, it was Carter’s ineptitude in all respects that set the stage for today’s strife. It was mohammedans trained and financed by al-Qaeda that set about murdering in the Balkans, that the Clinton’s supported. It was mohammedans trained and financed by al-Qaeda who brought down the twin towers in NYC and murdered nearly 3000 innocent citizens, on U.S. Soil It was their beloved UN that interceded and aided mohammedans in Palestine, Syria and Iran against Israel in the proxy battles in Lebanon, it is they, the socialist followers of Bernie Sanders radical socialist coalition who fight tooth and nail against the rest of the nation and our sovereignty. Nancy Pelosi is the Senate ringleader of the movement, perhaps it’s the rarefied air of the SF Bay but it’s more likely that it is the nose to anus oxygen stifling of the CPC that has caused her hypoxia and dementia.

Mark says:

When you don’t ask the right questions you get the answers P’losi wants. I believe this country wants to win this war not just waste lives frivolously, but actually win and the majority of the country supports the troops.
P’losi and her left wing stooges have tried over and over again to make resolutions to end the war in disgrace but it hasn’t worked. It hasn’t worked because the people are not behind her and her left wing agenda to make American into a second rate nation. I think the donks really screwed up by running that ad in the NYT in an attempt to discredit General Patreus, before he even had a chance to make his case. Their approval numbers are the lowest, ever, that I don’t know, but they are a do nothing congress, with a sterile majority.

Lynn says:

I hate this woman. And I know, I’m not suppose to hate people, but she is as mean as all get out and she would have us under the government’s payroll and then it would be so much easier for the Islamofacists to walk right in here and take us over.
She and her ilk are NOT thinking down the road. They think only for today (La-la-la-la-la live for today…and don’t worry about tomorrow…) They never got out of the hippie era. They haven’t yet grown up. And they don’t share very well either.
Let’s hope the grown ups in America make the right decisions next November and let’s have a RED November to remember. For all mankind.

TomR says:

What frightens me today is that people like Pelosi, Murtha, Barbara Lee, Kerry, Ellison , et al get elected to office. These are people who have an agenda so anti American that they could easily be a declared enemy. What has made so many Americans want to vote for these people. Is it the unreality from decades of television viewing, drugs, the promises of the welfare state, guilt of opulence, ??? So few Americans actually vote, too many of them vote in mindless blocs, and I wonder how many votes are actually fraudulant. The money spent per vote is staggering.
America’s election system has many faults and the end results, like Pelosi, show it.

Les says:

Imagine the outrage if at the time of Rwanda a leading Republican said, “Bill Clinton and Democrats like this genocide.” “They want this genocide to continue. That was a revelation to me. I had thought they would listen to their constituents and change their position.”
The truth hurts and Nancy Pelosi and many of her Democrats do want the United States to lose the war in Iraq and the war on terror. Crushing and humiliating George Bush and Republicans is more important to them then protecting the nation from it’s enemies. A pox on all their houses.

Wild Thing says:

Darth, LOL

Wild Thing says:

Rhod I agree so much. And your sons are so much better people that Pelosi could even dream of being as a person.

Wild Thing says:

Patrick that is just what they are…”Power hungry socialists”.

Wild Thing says:

Jack your right, Clinton supported them.

Wild Thing says:

Mark, I agree so mcuh. Our country the vast majority want to win and do understand how out of line Pelosi is with her comments.
She sure is a propaganda machine for the terrorists. sheesh

Wild Thing says:

Lynn, Yessss and she reminds me of Jane Fonda. The only difference is Pelosi is doing her bashing behind a big desk in our government and Jane Fonda did it on a tank when she spoke out against the war and our troops.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, yes that scares me. And like you said so many do not even vote, are not even interested in the news or what is going on in and with our country. They don’t get that what happens to our country will sooner or later effect their tiny world as well.

Wild Thing says:

Les….”Crushing and humiliating George Bush and Republicans is more important to them then protecting the nation from it’s enemies”…..Yes!!

Robert says:

Pelosi is brain dead this is the reason i left
the Democratic Party after about 40 years I would
throw in that moron Harry Reid along with Pelosi
and the rest of those liberal left dead heads


San Fran Nan strikes again! If there ever was a case of terminal-cranial-rectumitus, there she is. Nobody “likes” war. It is an evil horrible thing. But it is at times a VERY NECESSARY THING! The looney moonbat from baghdad on the bay needs to put a sock in it. Hey, I am trying to keep from using vulgar language. I was in the Navy for 20 years after all. So, sometimes cussing comes naturally.