22 Jul

Barack Hussein Obama:Stop Mentally Ill From Buying Guns

Obama: Stop mentally ill from gun buys
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said that laws should be strengthened to prevent the mentally ill from buying guns.
Cho Seung-Hui, the gunman who shot 32 people at Virginia Tech before killing himself, had a history of mental health problems but still was able to buy two guns that he used in the rampage.

“If we know that he got mental health services, then there should be some way of preventing somebody like that from buying any kind of weapon,” Obama said.

Federal law prohibits the mentally ill from purchasing guns, but most states have privacy laws barring such information from being shared with law enforcement. Some advocates for the mentally ill and gun-rights groups have opposed legislation in recent years that would include the information in computerized record-keeping.
Obama said gun laws have to be changed to prevent the type of killings that happened not only at Virginia Tech this week but are persistent in urban areas across the country.

“I mean, kids are getting gunned down every day,” the Illinois senator said. “It’s not 32 at a time, but if you look at the statistics, you’re seeing that same kind of violence on a pretty frequent basis. And that’s part of our culture that we’ve just got to be able to change with some commonsense.”

Jackie Mason on Gun Control

Wild Thing’s comment………
How about if we stop the mentally ill from running for President. Oh can we label the Left as mentally ill, and keep them all locked up for the safety of our country.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

Barack ‘Bam Bam’ Hussein Obama is now a ‘Boom Boom’ expert? Wow – from a Kindergarten education sex-pert to a 2nd Amendment expert in 24-hours? Thus is the Demliblooney DNC. Guess we should take all weapons away from our US Marines next since Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK on 11-22-63, eh Barack? – Fred Thompson & Giuliani or Romney in 2008 is AOK!

Barack Hussein Obama:Stop Mentally Ill From Buying Guns

TomR says:

Hey Obama. How about attacking the hip-hop “gangsta” culture that is the real reason those kids are killing each other. Don’t blame guns for a dysfunctional community problem.
Darth. I thought Giuliani was a strong anti-gun politician. Correct me if I am wrong. I kinda doubt Romneys credentials also. These guys have past histories as RINOs. This is one reason why, if Fred Thompson becomes the Repub candidate, it is very important who he picks as a running mate. It makes you wonder how mush different history would be if Reagan had picked someone more conservative than Bush 41. Then there may have never been a Clinton in the White House.

Lynn says:

Since when did Obama become a mental health expert?
Just another right they’d take away from you.
Just because you’ve seen a mental health expert (let’s say for marriage counseling or an unruly child you have trouble raising) means you can’t have a gun to defend yourself?
Let’s see–sex ed for 5 year olds, no guns for people who have seen a therapist–what will it be next? Segregated schools again?
This man has NO clue what he’s doing.

DD2 says:

Now He (Obama) invokes the spirit of MLK,& RFK.
Well Big Deal, I’m waithing for him to tell us that hes the next Ghandi,and Mother Teresa rolled up into one!

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

Rudy will smoke Hillary Rotten Clinton in a debate. My heart is with Fred Thompson too. Mitt has the $$$ so of these three – pick two!

Mark says:

It is the same old tired ‘evergreen’, he is doing it for the children.
For some reason Lieberals can’t see beyond the first sight. They have tried to legislate gun laws ad infinitum, ad neuseum and you still have gun crime. Washington DC you have to know SOMEBODY to get a gun, yet the biggest crime rate regarding guns is in Washington D.C., but like all Lieberals it is not the ‘perp’ it is because of the gun that a crime is committed.
He talks about kids killing kids, does he think these kids are walking into a gun shops and buying a gun, waiting the 10 days, getting a clean sheet, no all these crimes are committed with either stolen guns or illegal guns bought off the street by some underground dealer.
Of course Hussein O’bama doesn’t mention that part of it, nor does he mention that most of these kids are ‘gang-bangers’ in the first place and was a rotten drug deal that went bad.
These dems are famous for seeing a problem and blaming it on some inanimate object, … So’s not to blame the people they want to vote for them, who at the same time are committing the crime.
Slick marketing and packaging.

yankeemom says:

He is getting really annoying. But then this is a person who felt writing his memoirs at 32 was a grand idea…
“How moronic can you be?” Tell it, Jackie Mason!!!

Rich says:

Why stopping the mentally ill from buying fire arms will be letting the camel’s nose in the tent. Next thing you know, the mentally ill will be banned from running for public office. Where would the left be then?

Mark says:

I just read on Drudge, that Tuesday we will be talking to Iran.
Whatever happened to NOT Negotiating with Terrorists.

SSgt Steve, USMC(PS) says:

When it comes to guns, the DemoRATS / ObamaRamaDingDong are just afraid that some decent, patriotic Marine/Prior Service Marine (*) will do the honorable thing for his/OUR country, for they–> Matthew 26:66
(*) There are A LOT of good Sailors and Soldiers out there too.

Wild Thing says:

Darth haha anyone that let’s or makes this idiot be President has to have the IQ of their shoe size.

Wild Thing says:

Tom that is true, I think history would have been different and maybe even better if Reagan had not picked Bush 41 the globalist.

Wild Thing says:

Lynn, LOL I agree he has no clue at all. I have heard people say he is an empty suit. That is true but he is a dangerous empty suit even so.

Wild Thing says:

DD2, haha I can’t stand Obama and I can’t stand to even look at him.

Wild Thing says:

Mark this is so true what you said……
“These dems are famous for seeing a problem and blaming it on some inanimate object, … So’s not to blame the people they want to vote for them, who at the same time are committing the crime.”

Wild Thing says:

Yankeemom, Jackie Mason is so good, glad you liked him too.

Wild Thing says:

Rich, LOL then there wouldn’t be many in office for sure.

Wild Thing says:

Mark, good grief, it just never stops does it. That sure is a sign of being weak imo.

Wild Thing says:

SSgt Steve good one, thank you!!