09 Jun

Edwards Wants To Feed The Terrorists Peace Corps er ah Human Shields

Peace Corps Part of Edwards Terror PlanNYSun
Senator Edwards is outlining a new national security strategy that includes the creation of a 10,000-person civilian peace corps to stem the tide of terrorism in weak and unstable countries.
Mr. Edwards’s plan, which he presented in Manhattan yesterday, comes less than a week after he called President Bush’s war on terror a “bumper sticker slogan” and said the current national security strategy has not made America safer.
The plan Mr. Edwards presented yesterday — which he dubbed “A Strategy to Shut Down Terrorists and Stop Terrorism Before It Starts” — calls for a 10,000-person “Marshall Corps” to deal with issues ranging from worldwide poverty and economic development to clean drinking water and micro-lending. He said investing in those areas would shore up weak nations and help ensure that terrorism does not take root there. That, he said, would allow the country to stop potential terrorists before they even join the ranks.
More Here if you can stand it

Wild Thing’s comment………
Good grief! You can’t make up this kind of stuff. Edwards the hippie thinker in a suit. If I’m fighting terrorists, I want to be with the Marine Corps!
He has absolutely no understanding of our enemies at all. Not even a little. He seems to think a person can sit down with a terrorist, break bread with them and maybe by being soooo nice, warm and fuzzy will be able to turn the terrorist into a huggie bear instead of what they are and their agenda to destroy all of us.
Edwards and a lot of the Dems. think we can just talk and talk about things and eventually terrorism will be defeated. Obviously all Edwards thinks that’s necessary to bring the jihadists to their knees is to blast ’em with that damned Disney song…”It’s a small world after all, It’s a small world after all, it’s a small, small, worlllllllld.”
Yeah, that oughta do it

Lynn says:

Edwards is a wussy.
He’s so out of touch with America, it’s not even funny.
He looks down his nose at us “underlings” and laughs behind our backs.
Did he ever detassle corn, walk beans, milk cows, drive a tractor, bag groceries, work on a cars parts? Or put up with unruly customers on the phone?
I don’t really think he’d want to mess up that manicure of his.
No one ever threw him in the pond and told him to swim without help.

Mark says:

Lynn is right. Edwards is a stranger to work especially any type of manual labor.
“Farming looks mighty easy when your plow is a pencil, and you’re a thousand miles from the corn field. ”
Dwight D. Eisenhower, September 11, 1956
The Marshall Corps ? So thats plan A, … when that fails, what is plan B.
Nice plan that would give the terrorists 10,000 new targets.
Where on earth do these geniuses come from

Jack says:

Dumbo Edwards!!! That contempable ignorant arrogant overprotected ambulance chasing haemorrhoid sucking moron needs to get his hands wet picking up the aftermath of a terrorist bombing, visit graves registration where the unvarnished truth about combat losses lie. So he can see, touch and smell what horror the terrorists wreak. To send non combatants to suppress a terrorist movement is sending them to their deaths and playing into their agenda. I have absolutely no respect for any leader who will put their subordinates in a position that they themselves will not endure.
Lynn, John Edwards is the Paris Hilton of Congress, he has never had to do any of the aforementioned chores which is why he, like Paris, is so narcissistic.
Leaders don’t expect their subordinates to perform tasks they themselves couldn’t or wouldn’t do and Edwards is willing to jeapordize the immediate lives of 10,000 and risk the lives of all of us. What an irresponsible response Edwards has planned, a true showing of cowardice and weakness in the face of Islamist terror. These are implacable butchering murderers not litigants in a tort trial.

TomR says:

Utopia? No John. America is the closest entity to Utopia on earth. You and the terrorists and Third World losers you want to deal with will eventually destroy America. You with your drugged up dreams and they with their jealousy and hatred.
Of course Mr Edwards, of the personal tax avoidance schemes wants the rest of us to foot the bill for his grandiose dreams. He could show his sincerity by taking just half of his 28,000 sq. ft. estate and making it into a homeless shelter. That would be oh so “Age of Aquarious”.

Rhod says:

You guys are right. It’s not just that Edwards is a hot-house flower, he’s also an imbecile. For starters, does he know anything about Somalia, or Darfur? We had someone like Edwards before. His name was Jimmy Carter, who somehow managed to scramble to the White House when no one was looking. Edwards is just a pole-dancer for aging liberals.

Tincan Sailor says:

Has the name Alfred E Edwards ever crossed your
mind…Think about it.What Me WORRY???

Paul says:

Edwards! (If I may be so bold as to call you that)!
You total and complete idiot!!
The fight against terror will probably last a generation and beyond!!!
The only way to deal with terrorists and insurgents is simple!!!!
Find em and sort em!!!!!!
I’m quite sure a Son of the United States & The United Kingdom, General George S. Patton Jr. would be turning in his grave at your suggestion….

Steve Gaston says:

This has to be a joke. Right? Hello? I try very hard to keep an open mind but towards these politians, but DAMN!!! SSgt Steve, USMC
ps. I like Tincan Sailor’s attitude

Wild Thing says:

Lynn, your right.
He loves to point out how poor his Dad was, how poor they all were back when he was a kid. That is one thing but to say that all the time and never say they were happy in other ways shows a lot. Happiness comes from within, not how much money a person has. Sure it bring financial security, and other things to survive, but to rely on it for the only way of happiness is shallow and stupid.

Wild Thing says:

Mark, amazing isn’t it. (shaking my head)
Exactly 10,000 new targets for the terrorists.

Wild Thing says:

Jack….”John Edwards is the Paris Hilton of Congress”….LMAO that is great.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, this is so true..”America is the closest entity to Utopia on earth”…and people like Edwards and all the rest of the socialist thinking politicians and citizens want to change it to some kind of Third World country.
I will never understand that, they will hate it if they get their wish. It is just too weird!!!
Great comment Tom, everything you said!!

Wild Thing says:

Rhod, omg he is a lot like Carter your right. That is so scary to think about.

Wild Thing says:

Tincan Sailor LOL that IS funny!

Wild Thing says:

Paul good one, I believe that with all I am. Patton would be having a fit.

Wild Thing says:

SSgt Steve, I agree. There are no second chances in defending our country. Patton knew that and we need more of him around.
Thank you SSgt Steve!!

Rick says:

‘To send non combatants to suppress a terrorist movement is sending them to their deaths and playing into their agenda. “
Yasss. But think of how many bliss-ninnys it would use up!

Wild Thing says:

Rick there is that!! haha
The only people that would volunteer would be peacnik types.