NBC: Jihadists posing as Americans online to try to help foster anti war sentiment
Wild Thing’s comment………..
The only people that would believe this propaganda BS are liberals seeking this kind of stuff out and then passing it off as truth. The left sure works hard with their terrorists friends to destroy the morale and the missions of our awesome troops. God willtake care of them in the end, and all of us can do what we can to get the word out about these vile people doing this kind of thing.
On line terrorists? Try watching the Islamomaniac sympathizer ANCHORS on ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN, MSNBC, CBC and BBC!
Amen Darth. We have Move-on, Media Matters and Rosie working for them too! Oops I forgot John Edwards John Murtha and Nancy.
That particular announcer, MSNBC’s Brian (BRAIN) Williams, is as bad as all the rest in spreading propaganda, I’m happy that I have that incredible program blocked. I don’t think internally that we have to look much further than our campuses for the sources of some of this propaganda. Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez of Democracy Now are outright propagandists who promote the leftists and their agenda, much worse than NPR.
Darth, your right, they sure are!! How they ever sleep at night and feel ok about the things they have done each day I will never understand.
Jack your so right, he is horrible too.