02 Jun

Quayle’s revenge????

U.S. Democratic presidential hopeful and New York Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks at the Silicon Valley Leadership Summit in Santa Clara, California May 31, 2007. REUTERS/Robert Galbraith
Another angle of it……

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton was in Silicon Valley announcing her high tech innovation agenda Thursday, but maybe her campaign staff first needs to spring for a spell check on their computers.
The Democratic front-runner stood before a crowd of 200 CEOs and valley insiders Thursday at the Silicon Valley Leadership Group’s annual business climate summit announcing the theme of “New Jobs for Tommorrow.”
Duffy Jennings, spokesman for the Silicon Valley Leadership Group, said the banner came from the Clinton campaign. By tomorrow — please note spelling — someone will be getting a memo and a dictionary.

Wild Thing’s comment………

I think she just found her campaign song she was asking for…….. ROTFLMAO
The sun’ll come out
Bet your bottom dollar
That tommorrow
There’ll be sun!

Lynn says:

Now they can’t spell either?
No wonder she wants to take “Individualism” away!
I like being me–at least I can spell “tomorrow!”
I guess she doesn’t like competition, does she?

Jack says:

Literally!!!! Bwahahaha,
New jobs = New public sector jobs = new regulations = new negulators = new taxes = bigger government.
Hillary Marx Clinton is trying that old FDR thing again!!!

Wild Thing says:

Lynn your right she does want to make all of us the same, no competition to strive to be better even to compete with oneself.

Wild Thing says:

Jack yes she just loves that big huge government. augh
Good one Jack!

Wild Thing says:

Melt, thank you for the link. I had forgotten about that one.