981 Missouri Black Babies Have Been Aborted Since Michael Brown’s Death, No Riots
To illustrate the utter hypocrisy and injustice pervading the black community following the death of Michael Brown, LifeNews published the depressing reality that 981 black babies have been aborted in Missouri since that fateful day back in August-and not a single person has rioted over their wrongful deaths.
LifeNews published the numbers in response to a blog post from a pro-life advocate in Missouri named Reverend Katherine. She wrote:
Since the day that Michael Brown died [Aug 9, 2014], another 981 Black Missourians have died; 9 per day, every day since then. These Black Missourians were unarmed, innocent, and had no ability to defend themselves and died in plain sight. But there is no outrage, no riots, not one protest.
Wild Thing’s comment…….
The sick left do not count the murder of babies, it does not matter to them.