14 Nov

Krauthammer on Pelosi: “If You’re Going to Lie Make Sure There Isn’t a Video”

Krauthammer on Pelosi: “If You’re Going to Lie Make Sure There Isn’t a Video”
Nancy Pelosi told reporters on Thursday she had no idea who Jonathan Gruber was. Gruber, an Obamacare architect, admitted in video released this week that Democrats repeatedly lied to “stupid” Americans to pass the law.
Unfortunately, video was discovered of Nancy Pelosi mentioning Jonathan Gruber during a press conference.
Tonight Charles Krauthammer weighed in on the controversy. He offered the Minority Leader this advice:
“She cited him and now she claims she’s never heard of him. The moral of the story is if you’re going to tell a lie on camera make sure there isn’t a video that directly contradicts what you said coming out of your own mouth.“

Wild Thing’s comment.…….
Good one Charles haha. Pelosi has gotten away with her many lies for such a long time she forgets there are videos of what she says.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

“I LEFT my heart, in San Fran Sicko…”