25 Oct

Power Hungry Dems Heads Spin Over San Francisco Fundraiser

Nancy Pelosi & Bill Clinton to Star in San Francisco 60s Flashback Fundraiser Week Before Election
Former President Bill Clinton, aiming to provide the critical boost to help the Democratic Party take back the House of Representatives, will headline a $1 million star-studded fundraiser in San Francisco just days before the election to raise cash for congressional races.
Clinton, among the party’s top fund raisers, is scheduled to appear Nov. 1 at the Warfield Theater — where he will be joined by Democratic Party backers and stars, including singer-songwriters Jackson Browne and Graham Nash for the event.
Rep. Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco, who is poised to become the first woman Speaker of the House if her party wins a House majority on Nov. 7, also is scheduled to appear. Pelosi and Rep. Rahm Emanuel of Illinois, a former top aide in the Clinton White House who now heads the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, which distributes money and advice to Democratic House candidates, are listed as the hosts for the event.

“It is important we be part of this conversation in California … and we’re trying to give the Democratic Party the resources they need to win,” Steyer said. “This is a big chance for us. … People (who) disagree with what’s been going on in the country, starting with the Iraq war. It’s an emotional reaction and we really want our voice listened to.”

Clinton, said strategist Chris Lehane, is “the star of stars, who’s coming out to the epicenter of blue America to help raise needed resources to make sure Democrats can take back the house and change the direction of the country.”

Wild Thing’s comment……
I can see it now, the room filled with old hippies, with whatever grey cells are left in their brains from all the drugs they did in the 60’s. I wonder if Peter, Paul and Mary will be there too. hahaha
Demcorats can’t move forward if their life depended on it. Just like their ideas, they have none.

Rhod says:

Jackson Brown and Graham Nash? I’ve seen them all, over the years, and now I wonder why I spent the money. But I try to put this into an historical perspective, now.
Rolling out the tedious, simpering sap Jackson Brown, or even Nash with New Liver Guy and Stills, or Fleetwood Mac or Strawberry Alarm Clock, is comparable to a Charleston or Fox Trot dance contest in 1968. Someone should throw a blanket over these dolts and walk them off the stage.

TomR says:

It is vanity at it’s worst. After 40 years of drugs, many of the folks won’t remember why they are there.

Rhod says:

I’ll venture a guess for Jackson Brown. He’s still exhausted from beating up Daryl Hannah a few years back, and he needs to be cheered up.

Wild Thing says:

Rhod, you right, hahaha I wonder how much the media will be covering this. haha Nothing worse then an old hippie unless it is a young hippie that is bad too. hahaha

Wild Thing says:

Tom, yessss hahaha the dems really are reaching to be doing something like this.

gregor says:

Don’t you just want to slap these idiots into reality? They always look to the past, ignore the present and hide from the future. Not the stuff leaders are made of.

raz0r says:

Throwing money at a pipe dream. I don’t think they stand a chance. I think all the drugs have caused them to suffer from delusions and flashbacks.