20 Oct

Why Vote Republican

Got to dance to this one. I love the music. giggle

* Something……and Half of Something

TomR says:

I have always wished politicians could be honest and humble. Two impossibilities by nature. A third qualification I could easily wish for would be that all politicians should be totally mute. I don’t even like the speeches most of my few favorites give. Exception goes to Ronald Reagan.

Wild Thing says:

Tom oh yesss Reagan was so good.
I wish they could be honest and all the things you said too. well we can hope anyway, but it just does not seem possible.

Jack says:

The Democrat Party and the Republican Party have long since forgotten their role to serve the people, with the Democrats reversing that role. IMHO the Democrats have been living a lie since 1933. The great experiment of FDR’s regime has failed in many ways, they control the media, the schools of lower and higher education and they have cheated many generations of even the basic education. The media has maligned the Americans and especially the members of the military for well over 40 years, before the world especially to countries who have closed societies who believe the biases and often outright lies of our press because there is no counterbalancing of their reporting which is used by the despots and dictators to further foment American hatred. Their policies of detent and appeasement have resulted in the partitioning of three countries, Germany, Vietnam and Korea, the alienation of other former allies. I look at Hugo Chavez and his ethics, his attitude and his open attempts to bribe his way into the international arena as a team player, playing the role of benefactor to the poor, spreading a little bribe money here and there to buy the vote, all the while his eye is on the prize, a UN general council seat where he can spread more of his poison and increase his power. What do I see in him? A Democrat.

Billy says:

Heck, I’m voting republican just to piss CNN off.

Wild Thing says:

Jack they sure have. We the People has disappeared from their brains completely. I’m not sure it will ever come back again. It breaks my heart.

Cao's Blog says:

why vote republican?

thanks to Theodore’s World