Screaming Allen West stalkers, who paid for a room above his rally, barged into the meeting, unfurled a banner and started screaming down on the crowd with microphones until they were arrested.The SEIU is paying these protesters to stalk Allen West.
Wild Thing’s comment…….
Those protestors should be arrested asap and punished.LOL I deleted what I would really do to them. hahha I don’t want to go to jail.
What these morons don’t realize is that Allen West actually put his life on the line so they could have the right to protest like this. The SEIU is nothing but a tool of the Democrat party whose members blindly follow.
Bob, well said and thank you.
Col. West is a great orator and debater. He combines quick wit and great knowledge with honesty and common sense to present a case that lying and cliche’ spouters cannot match. Col West is the William F Buckley of the time. The big difference being that Col West speaks common English that can be understood by all vs Buckley”s academic English that only English majors could fully comprehend.
I hope that Allen West has a very high political position soon. Maybe a Cabinet secretary.