06 Sep

Many Democrats Boo Decision to Put Words “God” and “Jerusalem” back into Party Platform – Video

Many Democrats Boo Decision to Put Words “God” and “Jerusalem” back into Party Platform
Here is simply unbelievable video of the Democrat Party having a hard time deciding whether they want to put the word “God” back into their party platform, and whether they want to affirm “Jerusalem” as the Capital of Israel. In fact, the Democrats amended their platform today after removing “God” and “Jerusalem” yesterday, because of the tremendous pressure they felt when the Republicans began attacking that move. It took a two-thirds vote today, and the truth is, the Democrats really did not get the vote they needed to put “God” and “Jerusalem” back in. But they said they got it anyway. This was a train wreck.

Wild Thing’s comment……….
Disgusting democrats!!!

Sean says:

Photo Op Tony, tried 3 times to get a 2/3’s vote on the Amendment and if we listen to the tape, he obviously failed.
The powers that be in the Party, realizing how disasterous, the exclusion of the words, God and Jerusalem, would be decided the issue before it was ever brought to the floor.
Once again the Democratic Party pays the price for welcoming all of the Radicals and their ideas into their ranks.
It would have been very interesting to have seen a delegation by delegation vote on this issue.

TomR, armed in Texas says:

In better times this would have been the death blow of the Dem candidates for 2012. However, when we see that apparently one half of these delegates voiced opposition to God and Jerusalem it jives with the fact that 52% of voters liked obama in ’08 and that 47% of Americans pay no income taxes. This tells me that almost half of America now has a socialistic mindset.