19 Jul

Tax Return Hypocrisy: Pelosi, Reid Won’t Release Their Tax Filings

Tax Return Hypocrisy: Pelosi, Reid Won’t Release Their Filings
Democrats shouting the loudest about Mitt Romney’s reluctance to release his tax returns do not apply the same standards to themselves, according to a McClatchy News Service report.
Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California and Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada, the two Democratic leaders of the Senate and the House of Representatives, are among hundreds of elected officials from both parties who refused to release their tax records, McClatchy reported.
Pelosi said Romney was unfit to serve as President or even in the Cabinet because of his refusal so far to release all of his returns and Reid said Romney wasn’t even fit to be dogcatcher.
But just 17 out of the 535 members of Congress released their most recent tax forms or provided some similar documentation of their tax liabilities in response to requests from McClatchy over the last three months, the news service reported, indicating a double standard.
Another 19 members flat out refused and the rest didn’t even bother to respond to McClatchy’s request.
Pelosi aides flat out said no, saying she’s disclosed all that Congress requires.
“The leader has filed a complete financial disclosure report as required by law that includes financial holdings, transactions and other personal information,” Pelosi spokesman Nadeam Elshami told McClatchy.
Sen. Claire McCaskill of Missouri and Rep. Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the senior Democrat on the House Financial Services Committee and a co-author of the Dodd-Frank law tightening regulations on Wall Street, were among the more prominent Democrats who refused to disclose their tax returns to McClatchy.
And Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida, the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee who has blasted Romney’s refusal to release more tax returns, also refused to disclose her returns, saying she wouldn’t because she wasn’t running for president.

Wild Thing’s comment………
Democrats sure like to point fingers when they should be looking back at themselves.