“It’s no use asking me about specific things until we see the whole package,” Pelosi said Thursday during a press briefing in the Capitol. “I’m not making any judgment about any package until I see the fuller package that it’s a part of.”
Pelosi stays mum on proposed Medicare cuts in Dems’ supercommittee plan
The Hill
As a growing number of liberal Democrats are attacking a plan from supercommittee Democrats to slash Medicare benefits, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is being careful not to wade too deeply into the controversy.
“It’s no use asking me about specific things until we see the whole package,” Pelosi said Thursday during a press briefing in the Capitol. “I’m not making any judgment about any package until I see the fuller package that it’s a part of.”
Still, the California Democrat reiterated her party’s insistence on a “balanced” deficit-reduction plan, suggesting that she and her caucus won’t support a package that fails to spread the pain of austerity across a class spectrum.
“It’s not fair to say to a senior, ‘You’re going to pay more for Social Security,’ and we’re not going to touch a hair on the head of the wealthiest people in our country,” Pelosi said.
On Tuesday, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) presented Republicans on the deficit panel with a sweeping proposal that includes hundreds of billions of dollars in Medicare cuts and more than $1 trillion in new tax hikes — a package approaching the “grand bargain” that was negotiated over the summer by President Obama and House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio).
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Wild Thing’s comment……
I swear she is nuts. hahhaha Dangerous too but also nuts.
LOL but she does make me laugh.
Hello. hello, is anyone home?
Why does she keeps getting re-elected?
Well of course she represents a segment of the “Peoples’ Republic of San Francisco”, which at one time was a truly beautiful, cosmopolitan city to visit.
Those days are long gone.
Pelosi is truely the definition of a zombie. She looks like one of the characters from Night of the Living Dead.
I guess her leadership is indicative of the abyss that the Democratic party has sunk into.
Sean, I remember San Francisco from the 60’s. Used to go up there on weekend passes when I was stationed at the Presidio of Monterey. Three or four of us would drive up there and hit the winerys on the way. So much to see in Frisco. A very unique city. Too bad it has deteriorated into a socialist mecca.
I did not see San Francisco until the nineteen eighties. I’m in electronics but Silicon Valley was decaying by then and San Francisco was wreck.
Love your input, you all are wonderful.