09 Oct

Harry Reid BLOCKS VOTE on Obama Jobs Bill

The Daily Caller
REID BLOCKS VOTE on Obama Jobs Bill
For all of President Obama’s insistence that Congress must “pass this bill now,” and Democrats’ assurances that they have the votes necessary to pass it, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid was in no mood to vote on the president’s jobs-creation bill Tuesday afternoon.
Reid blocked a vote on Obama’s jobs bill after Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell made a motion to add it as an amendment to a bill being heard on the floor. That bill was an effort to put pressure on China to allow its currency to appreciate.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
It is amazing what is happening in D.C., our government, the WH….shocking and beyond disappointing. God help us if we do not get a conservative elected and kick obama out of jail for him would make it perfect.
Three cheers for Mitch McConnell !

TomR, armed in Texas says:

This jobs bill needs to be a total defeat for obama. I imagine the taxpayer cost per job would be enough to retire whoever got the job.