24 Sep

GOP Leadership Speaks Out With The Truth That Harry Reid Is Holding Up The Aid Relief Bill

A spending showdown in Congress is prompting a partisan rift so raw that an effort to help disaster victims has become mired in disputes over jobs, the national debt and the other contentious issues.

Wild Thing’s comment…..
This is what I want to see. When the left is at fault, by God we need to hold a press conference every single time and get the word out the truth about the democrats. I am sick of the media bias and the lies from the left as joe blow sits at home in his Lazy-boy and believes all the bias.

TomR, armed in Texas says:

Another positive aspect of the Tea Party movement. The Repubs are finally fighting back instead of just quietly allowing the Dems and the MSM present a one sided distorted view to the public.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, thank you for commenting on this. You’re right and I hope our side keeps on fighting back.