Liberals Create Video Game in Which Tea Partiers are Murdered
Pundit Press
The party of civility is at it again.
Refusing to have a legitimate discussion on the merits of each side’s economic ideology, the Left has just gone ahead and decided that Tea Partiers are zombies. And those zombies must die!
Thus is the premise of the online video game “Tea Party Zombies Must Die!”…THIS IS THE LINK TO THE ACTUAL GAME WHERE A PERSON CAN KILL TEA PARTY ZOMBIES.
Among those that the Left wants murdered are Brit Hume, Bill O’Reilly, and Sean Hannity:
From Pundit Press
“And, yes, I actually tried to play the game. It was decidedly laggy and decidedly racist (there’s a swastika visible within moments of starting your game). I know I shouldn’t expect anything better from liberals, but when you’re going to make something this offensive,you could at least try to pretend you’re making a point.”
Wild Thing’s comment……..
You know there are some truly sick people in this world, evil and sick.
Muuusssst eeeeaaattt….. liberal… BRRAAAIIINNNNZZZZ!
Billy Ray….heh heh yesss