10 Aug

Democrat Wanna Be Redundant John McCain “Not Sorry” For Saying “Tea Party Hobbits” On Senate Floor

McCain “Not Sorry” For Saying “Tea Party Hobbits” On Senate Floor
A member of The Greater Phoenix Tea Party politely Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) to apologize for calling Tea Party members in the House and Senate “hobbits.” McCain, who was quoting the Wall Street Journal, made his comments on the Senate floor.
“I am sorry if it was misunderstood. I am not sorry for what I said,” McCain said to a heated audience.
“I mean, why should I when it’s the facts,” Senator McCain added.

Wild Thing’s comment……
There was no misunderstanding what you said, and your non-apology is noted.
And the people of AZ. had every good chance to turn THAT jackass out of office. And whaaaaaat did the good and most wise people of Arizona do?
They returned the RINO to office. I don’t mean all the people at this Townhall meeting ithey held but there must have been some there that DID put McCain back in office.
McCain is an ass but what we also see is what has to be called Arizonans having buyers remorse…again.
What ticks me off about all of this is that it is one thing to elect someone that has no effect on my life, say a Mayor of a citry in another State. But my gosh a Senator that effects our entire country when they vote on things. sheesh

BobF says:

Maybe it’s time Sarah Palin realizes she doesn’t own McCain anything any more. She went and campaigned for him; against a true conservative. It makes me wonder what takes persistence with her?
Speaking of Hobbits. McCain better realize that Hobbits bow to no one. http://youtu.be/rBtzudk40pE

Eddy Burke says:

McCain will only be remembered for saving America from an unknown, unexperienced, far left, marxist, secretive and incompetent president from Kenya!
Oh wait… He could not even do that!!! 🙂

Wild Thing says:

Bob that was great thank you for the link.

Wild Thing says:

Eddy, good one, thank you.