29 Jul

Democrat Rep. Jerrold Nadler:”‘..the real crisis is unemployment, not the deficit….we need to spend money on more food stamps” ~ This Man Is Insane!

Nadler: ‘We Don’t Have a Deficit Problem Right Now’
The way to get out of “unemployment crisis is to spend money,” Rep. Nadler says.
Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) argued at a news conference with the Congressional Out of Poverty Caucus that the United States does not currently have a budget crisis.
“That’s the real crisis – the unemployment, not the deficit.

“We don’t have a deficit problem right now . . . The real problem is we’re not taxing properly. . . .We talk about, “We have a budget deficit crisis” – No we don’t! We have a tax crisis. We have a crisis that we’re not taxing properly, and we have a recession and unemployment crisis. The way to get out of that unemployment crisis is to spend money on more food stamps, on aid to states and local governments. . . If we did that, unemployment would go down and tax receipts would go up. . .”

Wild Thing’s comment…….
LOL I have to laugh at this it is so over the top.
It’s truly frightening to know that people who think like this, and probably truly believe what they’re spouting, have the power necessary to influence the destiny of this once-great nation. Where does he think the money wil magically come from to do as he proposes, if the government has already “maxed out” it credit cards. Of course, like all liberal Democrats, he wants to raise taxes to keep the governmnet workers on the job, and inreas entitlements, and increase tax rates on business…..which he thinks is going to encourage them to increase their hiring capacity??? This guy has his head up a place where the sun will never find it!

TomR, armed in Texas says:

Congressional Out of Poverty Caucus?? Sounds like something out of the Communist Manifesto.
I have seen Congressman Nadler interviewed many times. He is truely a radical believer in big govt. To him tax and spend is a divine mandate. He would be happy if the entire US population was on welfare and food stamps and under govt. control.

Mark says:

They doth protest to much, Methinks.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, good point, how awful that would be if he got his wish, like you said, our entire population on welfare. Very scary.

Wild Thing says:

Mark, yes they sure are protesting over the top.