14 Apr

Biden Falls Asleep During Obama’s Budget Speech ~ Who Can Blame Him, Obama Is An Arrogant Bore and Wrong!

Wild Thing’s comment…….
I would have fallen asleep too. haha

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

Like we say in the 1st state only Jill in thigh highs can keep him awake!
What? No beer nuts and Lowenbrau to keep him awake? NO DOZE all the way…

BobF says:

He wasn’t dozing or sleeping. He was deep in thought over the words he was hearing being spoken by the chosen one.

Mark says:

The man is a total Zero. Just like his boss.

TomR, armed in Texas says:

At least Joe the Gaffe does no damage while he is asleep.

Wild Thing says:

LOL you all are great, thank you.