Trumka Says Obama Administration More Friendly to Labor With Bill Daley Than Rahm Emanuel
Trumka Honored by Beck’s Attention, Says The Right ‘Creates Its Own Reality’ While Dems Live in the Real World
Wild Thing’s comment……..
The Socialist Workers Democrat Party’s mouthpiece speaks. This guy is one nasty person and that he has the ear of the White House on a daily basis is chilling although to be expected from this President.
The White House is supposed to be the PEOPLE’S HOUSE .. not the Union People’s House.
The by laws of the AFL-CIO had in it sections pertaining to Communist and their infiltrators. In the 50’s they took out any language referring to anything to do with the Communists. Today, that language has been re-inserted on orders from Trumka. Another known communist. Amazing how all these anti-Americans get the Leaders ear.
They don’t just have his ear Mark. The anti Americans also have his heart and soul. obama is a Marxist muslim.
Mark, oh wow I never knew that before. Thank you so much Mark.
Tom, heart and soul is right.