Jimmy Carter says the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is “not anything to be afraid of.” He says this right after acknowledging that the Brotherhood has ties to the terror organizations Hezbollah and Hamas.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Stupidity should be painful!! Carter has officially achieved “Weapons-grade” stupidity!
Carter is the second worst president of modern times. Obama is the worst.
Hey Jimmuh, surveys show that most Egyptians want
Sharia law. “Democracy protestors” my butt. The current wave of Muslim extremeism began in Egypt in 1928 when the Muslim Brotherhood was founded and nothing has mellowed with time. Jimmuh Carter demonstrates “weapons grade stupidity”-I love it !!!
When will his stupidity reach critical mass and his head explode?
Mr. Peanut Farmer In Chief who let his US Embassy hostages rot in Islamic captivity for 444 days, eh Jimbo?
Jimmy Carter is a very stupid and despicable person. The damage he has done to America is still being added up.
If Carter says it, it must be true. After all, he was such a great leader. He invaded Iran with six helicopters and a couple C-130’s. Thanks to him, we’ve got the Iran of today.
Great input thank you everyone so much.