08 Feb

“It Is The Government’s Job To Redistribute” from the Screamer Howard Dean

Weasel Zippers video

“The argument is not whether they should redistribute or not, the question is how much we should redistribute?” former DNC Chairman Howard Dean told MSNBC.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
OK, let’s start with you Howard. Put up or shut up. You give us half of all you are worth and all of us here at Theodore’s World will divide it up. How is that working for you Howard??!

BobF says:

Howard Dean is a Masterpiece of Depravity, the product of inferior breeding.

TomR, armed in Texas says:

Redistribution is a communist plank. Right now we are being ruled(not served) by a cartel of communists. Led by a pre Magna Carta king.

Jim says:

Redistribution is under way. When the fed prints money, it transfers wealth from those who produce it to those who have not produced it. Along with Zero interest rate, we’re being robbed. Theft by stealth.

Wild Thing says:

Bob, he sure is, you said exactly what he is.
Tom, yes ruled is right, they have no intention of serving only ruling over us.
Jim, good one! “Theft by stealth.”