10 Jun

Released Gitmo Detainees Have Killed Six Americans

Released Gitmo Detainees Have Killed Six Americans
Former Guantanamo Bay inmates are responsible for American deaths overseas, a senior Pentagon official told lawmakers in March. According to the White House, about a dozen released detainees have launched attacks against U.S. or allied forces in Afghanistan, killing what is said to be six Americans.
Most of the attacks targeted military personnel, but one American civilian was also killed. She was a female aid worker who died in 2008 in Afghanistan. Further details on the circumstances of the deaths are considered classified.

Wild Thing’s comment…………
Any president that has done this has blood on his hands. Obama has been the worst offender of letting the worst leave GITMO .

BobF says:

Gee, they were suppose to be farmers after being released.
I’m going on vacation. See you in 10 days.