21 May

Trump’s Idiot Spokesperson Katrina Pierson says don’t worry about Trump launching nukes – no one will let him do it!!

Trump’s Idiot Spokesperson Katrina Pierson says don’t worry about Trump launching nukes – no one will let him do it!!
Katrina Pierson took the top spot on the ongoing competition between Trump spokes-morons to say the absolutely stupidest thing possible.
Yesterday she explained why it was dumb to worry about Trump having his finger on the nuclear button.
Pierson is responding to the comments by Former Secretary of Defense Bob Gates saying he doesn’t trust Trump with nuclear weapons. Here’s what she said:

“This whole nuclear weapons statement I mean that’s just absurd on its face, I mean, this is something, that a president can’t just wake up one day and push the button – there are mechanisms and controls in place!”

Wild Thing’s comment.………………
This woman is nuts, a few years ago she was arrested for shop lifting. but I guess that is what qualifies her to be the spokesperson for Trump.