31 Jan

Catherine Herridge: DOJ, FBI ‘Super Pissed Off’ At White House Interfering Comments On Hillary Investigation

Catherine Herridge: DOJ, FBI ‘Super Pissed Off’ At White House Interfering Comments On Hillary Investigation

Wild Thing’s comment.……………
There was more then enough on Hillary to be prosecuted on two months ago. This is the game. Hillary has been threatening for months with the line “It was authorized.” She was warning Obama “Look, you got emails too buddy and you’re going to jail with me if you don’t make this disappear. If Congress impeaches you and Lynch for the coverup, no future president can even pardon you for that.”
Now you know why Hillary keeps on saying “it was authorized!”

BobF says:

Obama wants a seat on the Supreme Court so he can really change this nation. After all, that’s where the true power over the people are. If he believes Hillary will appoint him, then he’ll do everything to keep her from being indited.