08 Dec

Florida Sheriff Says Get A Gun, It’s The Only Thing That Stops Bad Guys

Florida Sheriff Says Get A Gun, It’s The Only Thing That Stops Bad Guys

Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey said residents who legally carry firearms shouldn’t act as vigilantes, but should be ready to respond to threats until police can arrive. “Let there be no mistake in what I’m about to say,” Ivey said. “The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. If you are a person who is legally licensed to carry a firearm, now is a time more than ever to realize that you and you alone very well might be the first line of defense for you [and] your family.”

Wild Thing’s comment………..
This is great when the police say things like this, they know those of us that obey the laws and appreciate that guns are for protection for our loved ones and homes.