30 Aug

Veteran Sgt. Bartlett calls on Senators to reject the Iran deal Obama Is ‘Selling Out The Country’

Sgt. Bartlett calls on Senators to reject the Iran deal Obama Is ‘Selling Out The Country’

Recalling the Iranian bomb that cut through his armored vehicle in Iraq in 2005, “my scars are the direct result of Iran,” says Sgt. Robert Bartlett.

His face was ripped from the temple to the jaw and his gunner’s legs were blown off. He had more than 40 procedures done and he died three times, only to live to speak today.

Bartlett says, “People want to kill us just because we are Americans. I’m the proof of that reality. The lie that we are safe, or don’t need protection from Iran, is a lie.”

“Iran chants in their streets every day, ‘Death to America.’ They are burning the American flag outside their doors. They’re teaching it in their schools. That’s what they want. They want us dead. They don’t want us protecting the world anymore.”

Admitting that he has no idea why President Obama and John Kerry made such a deal, Bartlett admits to making mistakes himself, but “this is the mistake of a lifetime. Their kids won’t survive this mistake.”

Wondering whether they just want a legacy, Bartlett asks, “Do you want your name on it if it kills the country?”

“They are selling out America. The blood that I gave, the scars that I have and my buddy’s death means nothing. We protected them from these people — now they will pay those same people? It makes no sense.”

Asked why he agreed to be featured in this new ad, Bartlett answers, “I swore a long time ago I’d do anything I could for this country. When I got blown up by an Iranian bomb, it took me out of my uniform. The damage is too much.”

Referring to this ad and his public appearances, “God has given me a chance to defend my country again, and it just by using my voice. I’m keeping my promise to my buddy who didn’t get to come home because of the Iranian bomb.”

Wild Thing’s comment.…………
Thank you Sgt. Bartlett !!!!!

TomR,armed in Texas says:

I have little faith that there are enough honest senators to stop this deal. Our military pays the price in blood and our politicians sell out that sacrifice for campaign funds. Sickness prevails in Washington DC.