09 Aug

Top Adviser to Trump…Roger Stone: I Wasn’t Fired, I Quit, Trump’s Losing Grip on Reality

Top Adviser to Trump…Roger Stone: I Wasn’t Fired, I Quit, Trump’s Losing Grip on Reality
POLITICO reported that they received word from friends of Stone that the former adviser sent in his resignation about an hour before Trump’s interview.

Stone’s friends also reportedly said that Stone had become increasingly fed-up with Trump’s controversies, his personality, and his confidence in uncertain poll numbers. Stone reportedly warned Trump not to go after Megan Kelly, but after he did so, his friends said he came to them with his frustration.

“He is losing his grip on reality,” Stone said. “He has these yes-men around him. And now he’s living in a parallel world.

Stone offered no direct comment, but a copy of the email was reportedly provided:

“I was proud to have played a role in the launch of your presidential campaign. Your message of ‘Make America Great Again’ harkened back to the Reagan era. Restoring national pride and bringing jobs back to America – your initial and still underlying message – is a solid conservative message. In fact, it catapulted you instantly into a commanding lead in the race…Unfortunately, the current controversies involving personalities and provocative media fights have reached such a high volume that it has distracted attention from your platform and overwhelmed your core message…With this current direction of the candidacy, I no longer can remain involved in your campaign.”

Wild Thing’s comment.……..
It is not unusual for a person to leave a campaign so I don’t know why Trump feels a need to lie about it. The man Roger Stone, has proof he left and was not fired.