18 Jul

Rush: We Send Our Military to These “Hell Holes” Around The World And They Come Home And Get Killed Because of a Gun-Free Zone

Rush: We Send Our Military to These “Hell Holes” Around The World And They Come Home And Get Killed Because of a Gun-Free Zone
“It burns me!”…”We don’t even let them protect themselves”
These guys are highly trained in the use of firearms and we have these silly gun-free zones

Wild Thing’s comment………
Exactly Rush it is a stupid law and they should stop it now, not one more day with this crap.

BobF says:

My military career spans three decades: 70’s – 90’s. Never have we been allowed to carry firearms on base…NEVER. The only ones armed were military law enforcement. The only exception to this I know of was during nuclear generations when certain Senior NCO’s and Officers would be issued sidearms and that was only when nukes were uploaded on all the B-52’s.