07 May

Megyn Kelly: If ‘drawing Muhammad’ at a private function is too provocative, the terrorists are Winning!!!!

Megyn Kelly has been pretty fired up this week about the Texas shooting outside a “Draw Muhammad” cartoon contest. She clashed with Bill O’Reilly and has stood pretty firm on the free speech issue.
And Kelly opened her show last night by scolding the “rush to condemn the event organizers” with “nary a mention of the radical Islamists who sought to murder them over a cartoon.”
She reiterated that free speech is protected, “no matter how abhorrent,” and you don’t have to endorse it to defend it. And with all the focus on scolding Pamela Geller‘s group, Kelly said, “if this is where American sentiment stands on this, then the jihadis are officially winning.”
Kelly even accused the media of drawing a “moral equivalence” between people who do offensive things and people who kill over those offensive things. She brought on Eugene Volokh to continue emphasizing the point, going after the media and CNN’s Chris Cuomo in particular.

Wild Thing’s comment.……….
Megyn Kelly hit it out of the ballpark tonight.

TomR,armed in Texas says:

I cannot remember conservatives being so divided on an issue before. I’m with Megyn on this. islam is our enemy, not the pushing of free speech limits. Besides, I don’t like that narcissist O’Reilly.